TikTok Shop Inbox

05 - 24


Role Lead design
Core team James, PM
Period Q3, 2023 - present


The general TikTok Shop (TTS) consumer is able to view shop-related activities and messages in the TTS Inbox. However, for qualified creators (users who have permissions to sell products to their viewers for commission), their experience was disjointed: they could see messages in the inbox but had to switch to Notification Center to view activities. We aimed to consolidate the experience into a unified Inbox experience.

To get a sense for what I mean by Creator activities and messages: a creator-specific activity may be campaigns they can be involved in. An example of a creator message may be for brand collaborations and promotion opportunities.


What started as a fairly simple task of duplicating the view in another tab, ended up being weeks of iterations and refinement.

My goals were to:

  1. Consider how we can simplify the information architecture.

  2. Reduce red dots 🤢 (the current dot strategy led to an overwhelming amount of red competing for attention).

  3. Make the visuals feel more modern (a bit wire-framey here).

Over the following weeks, I focused on refining the UX to address these goals. One of my later proposals suggested incorporating both a role-switcher and a tab for toggling between activity and messages. I believed that having dedicated windows for both Inbox resources would help users have focused experiences. Additionally, as a feature, it could scale efficiently for future improvements.

I tried to simplify 3-layered navigation further (role switching, resource tabs, resource filter).

I experimented with a 2-layered navigation structure optimizing for role-switching and quick filtering of activities. However, overall as a team we felt it simpler to revert back to a single navigation structure (role-switcher) with our original ‘view more’ action taking users to a filterable page.